What To Do If Baby Wakes Up Early From Nap

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Dealing with Baby’s Early Nap Awakenings: A Guide for Exhausted Parents

As a new parent, every nap is a precious gift, a chance to catch up on some sleep or get a few things done. But when your little one wakes up early from their nap, it can be incredibly frustrating. You’re tired, they’re cranky, and the day seems to stretch out endlessly before you.

If this sounds familiar, don’t despair. There are plenty of things you can do to help your baby nap for longer and get the rest they need. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about early nap awakenings, including:

  • The causes of early nap awakenings
  • What to do when your baby wakes up early from a nap
  • Tips for preventing early nap awakenings

Understanding Early Nap Awakenings

Before we get into what to do when your baby wakes up early from a nap, it’s helpful to understand why it happens in the first place. There are a number of factors that can contribute to early nap awakenings, including:

  • Hunger: Hunger is one of the most common causes of early nap awakenings. If your baby is waking up from a nap after only 30 minutes or so, they may be hungry.
  • Overtiredness: Just as hunger can lead to early nap awakenings, so can overtiredness. If your baby is overtired, they may have difficulty falling asleep in the first place and may wake up early from their nap.
  • Sleep environment: The environment in which your baby sleeps can also affect how long they sleep. If the room is too hot, too cold, too bright, or too noisy, it can make it difficult for your baby to stay asleep.
  • Medical conditions: In some cases, early nap awakenings can be caused by a medical condition, such as reflux or colic. If you suspect that your baby’s early nap awakenings may be caused by a medical condition, it’s important to see a doctor.

What to Do When Your Baby Wakes Up Early from a Nap

If your baby wakes up early from a nap, there are a few things you can do to try to get them back to sleep.

  • Check for hunger: The first thing to do is to check if your baby is hungry. If they are, feed them and then try putting them back down to sleep.
  • Rock or sing to your baby: If your baby isn’t hungry, try rocking or singing to them. This can help to soothe them and get them back to sleep.
  • Take your baby for a walk: If your baby is still awake after 10 or 15 minutes, try taking them for a walk. The fresh air and movement can help to calm them down and get them back to sleep.
  • Create a dark, quiet sleep environment: If the room is too bright or noisy, it can make it difficult for your baby to stay asleep. Try darkening the room and turning off any noise that might be disturbing them.
  • Try a pacifier: If your baby is old enough for a pacifier, try giving them one. This can help to soothe them and get them back to sleep.

Tips for Preventing Early Nap Awakenings

In addition to the tips above, there are a few things you can do to help prevent early nap awakenings in the first place.

  • Establish a regular nap schedule: Newborns need to nap frequently, but as they get older, they will start to nap less often. Establishing a regular nap schedule can help to regulate their body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and make them less likely to wake up early from a nap.
  • Make sure your baby is getting enough sleep: If your baby is overtired, they will be more likely to wake up early from a nap. Make sure your baby is getting enough sleep by following the recommended sleep guidelines for their age.
  • Create a calming bedtime routine: A calming bedtime routine can help your baby to wind down and get ready for sleep. Spend the hour before bed doing relaxing activities, such as reading, bathing, or massaging your baby.
  • Avoid caffeine and sugar before bedtime: Caffeine and sugar can interfere with sleep. Avoid giving your baby caffeine or sugar before bedtime to help them sleep more soundly.

General FAQ on Early Nap Awakenings

  • Q: Why does my baby wake up early from naps?
    A: There are many reasons why babies wake up early from naps, including hunger, overtiredness, sleep environment, and medical conditions.
  • Q: What should I do if my baby wakes up early from a nap?
    A: If your baby wakes up early from a nap, you can try checking for hunger, rocking or singing to them, taking them for a walk, creating a dark, quiet sleep environment, or trying a pacifier.
  • Q: How can I prevent early nap awakenings?
    A: You can prevent early nap awakenings by establishing a regular nap schedule, making sure your baby is getting enough sleep, creating a calming bedtime routine, and avoiding caffeine and sugar before bedtime.


Dealing with early nap awakenings can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that it’s a common problem that most babies experience at some point. By following the tips in this guide, you can help your baby nap for longer and get the rest they need.

Do you have any questions or tips for dealing with early nap awakenings? Share them in the comments below!

The Practically Perfect Baby - How to Solve Early Nap WakingThe ...
Image: practicallyperfectbaby.com

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Image: www.pinterest.com

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